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RMGF Donation

Payments are semi-anonymous and secure.

Donations managed by via a payment gateway.
Ko-Fi is simple and quick. You click a button, type in your RMGF username and payment details.
No personal info or any other crap!

Payments goes through Stripe which is secure and strictly regulated payment system.
When I receive payment, I see only the given username, amount, date, and personnal message if there is one...nothing else.
Your bank statement will show only BMC which is abbreviation of Buy Me a Coffe.

Payment systems are strictly regulated and because I am based in UK they uses GBP.
Exchange to GBP done by the payment gateway. Processing fees are paid by me.

It should happen automatically in minutes. However sometimes there are technical issues.
If it does not happen, I do it manually as soon as I get notified by Ko-Fi.
It's usually 1-2 hours. Obviously if I sleep when you donate, maybe you need to wait a bit for the upgrade :).

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